Hawthorne is a Discord verified bot that tracks interactions between your servermates throughout Destiny 2! It includes ways to view leaderboards and interactions with your closest friends! Hawthorne is currently in an open beta. To learn more, click below to join our offical server!
With dozens of slash commands and user commands, Hawthorne offers a number of unique commands to users and admins alike, including:
Once registered, Hawthorne tracks your activities with all of your servermates. Analyzing both seasonal and overall activities, we track how often you play with your friends, and what activities you grind out the most.
Want to see who you play with the most? Want to see who's in your most frequent raid team, or who you conquer the most GMs with? Hawthorne provides detailed "friendship" analytics based on each individual server!
Want to change how many points an activity generates for an upcoming tournament or clan event? Customization is easy and instantaneous with the /override command! Or create managed roles based on how many points, tabs, or tags someone has!
In addition to normal interaction tracking, Hawthorne has other commands to assist you, including custom profile pages to track Twitch pages, platform names and IDs, an auto-role system that can also manages clans and activity, and a custom admin-editable currency system!
Clan/server admins can export their data at any time to see all of their users data, sortable by season, clan, data type, and much more! CSV sheets are quick and easy to download and use. You can also export information about synced clans to monitor open spots, registered users, and more.
Commands, as well as a custom online user & admin dashboard, work well on Discord regardless of whether you're on mobile, PC, or both! Discord embeds and slash commands are easy to use and view regardless of platform. Currently adding additional admin features for mobile users.
Currently monitoring 568 servers and 53,583 characters. I've analyzed over 10,000,000 unique activities (and counting)!